The Yankees now have this "walk off" thing down to a set routine (today's walk-off video here). Everyone knows their role. It's like a well-oiled machine.
First, the Yankee gets the winning hit. On the way home, the scoring Yankee grabs his helmet with both hands and flings it straight into the air. The rest of the Yankees are waiting for him, bunched up in a horseshoe around home plate. The Yankee leaps into the air and lands with both feet on home plate, and is then mobbed by the team, everyone slapping him on the head. At this point the Yankees form a circle around the hitter, put their hands in the middle, and start hopping up and down in unison, chanting something. After about 10-15 hops, they stop and congratulate each other some more, with hugs all around.
Finally, as the player is pulled aside for the post-game interview, someone mashes cream in his face.
Yankee baseball!
By the way, I guess it was a bad idea for the Twins to pick a fight in game one. Best to leave sleeping giants alone...
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