Here's the Yankee-Red Sox conversation on the NY Times blog. Below I've copied and pasted my response.
"Both teams used steroids but only the Sox pointed fingers and demonized the opposition. And David Ortiz might be the player in MLB history who has benefited the most from his steroid use. From a castoff in Minnesota to a two-time champion, MVP and superstar…all while insisting that MLB should institute draconian punishments for PED use. And then he gets caught…it’s all so pathetic and, day I say, Red Soxish….
Anyway, this isn’t 1998 or 2004 or 2005, or even the first half of the 2009 season. This is post all star break 2009, where the Yankees are clearly the better team on paper and in practice. And they’re showing it tonight with an ongoing thumping in which, as I write, the Yankees are pounding on the PED Sox 13-4 in the 7th inning. I think it’s going to be a memorable weekend.
And Bill Flanagan, #12, are you sure the Sox and Yankees have a close head to head record over the last 100 years? Check wikipedia here:
According to that page, the Yankees lead 1108-932 (yes, we’ve beaten you over 1000 times!). That’s a 176 game advantage, an average of 1.76 more games won per year, a gap that the Sox will not close in our lifetimes, if ever.
Oh and as I write this Pedroia just went into a roid rage at Melancon for hitting him. Slow down with the juice, Dustin, please! Only 25 and you’ve lost your hair, and now this!"
Well now that the game is finished, I should add that Yankees now lead the Sox by 3.5 games in the AL East. They can use this series to put distance between themselves and the Sox, and it may go down as a little Bronx massacre that proved once and for all who was in charge in 2009.
"Both teams used steroids but only the Sox pointed fingers and demonized the opposition. And David Ortiz might be the player in MLB history who has benefited the most from his steroid use. From a castoff in Minnesota to a two-time champion, MVP and superstar…all while insisting that MLB should institute draconian punishments for PED use. And then he gets caught…it’s all so pathetic and, day I say, Red Soxish….
Anyway, this isn’t 1998 or 2004 or 2005, or even the first half of the 2009 season. This is post all star break 2009, where the Yankees are clearly the better team on paper and in practice. And they’re showing it tonight with an ongoing thumping in which, as I write, the Yankees are pounding on the PED Sox 13-4 in the 7th inning. I think it’s going to be a memorable weekend.
And Bill Flanagan, #12, are you sure the Sox and Yankees have a close head to head record over the last 100 years? Check wikipedia here:
According to that page, the Yankees lead 1108-932 (yes, we’ve beaten you over 1000 times!). That’s a 176 game advantage, an average of 1.76 more games won per year, a gap that the Sox will not close in our lifetimes, if ever.
Oh and as I write this Pedroia just went into a roid rage at Melancon for hitting him. Slow down with the juice, Dustin, please! Only 25 and you’ve lost your hair, and now this!"
Well now that the game is finished, I should add that Yankees now lead the Sox by 3.5 games in the AL East. They can use this series to put distance between themselves and the Sox, and it may go down as a little Bronx massacre that proved once and for all who was in charge in 2009.
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