The Yankees have demons in Anaheim. Years and years of futility, all of which started with Scioscia's appearance as manager of the club and the 2002 buzz-saw that ripped through the league and the postseason, have made it mentally very tough to win in that ballpark. Maybe it's the sinister irony of the halos and the suspicions that the players wearing those halos arouse with their incredible physiques, too-good-to-be-true hitting numbers and close geographic proximity to the Mexican border. Maybe it's the rally monkey. Or maybe it's just the fact that the Yankees have been outplayed there, and along with a bunch of bad luck, have lost such a large percentage of their games in that place. Being there just brings up the old demons every time.
Well today the Yankees took an important step toward overcoming those demons. Cano and Melky lead the way at the plate, both with run-scoring hits in the 4th inning, and on the mound AJ Burnett did what I expected him to do in a big spot: perform at his best. Yes, I expected this from him, and here's the link to prove it!
OK I'm over myself. It's not about me, it's about the Yankees, after all, and today, with a lineup full of bench players, Hughes unavailable, and the dreadful Ian Kennedy on the mound trying to protect a 1 run lead, the Yankees STILL beat the Angels in Anaheim.
Great stuff from the Bombers. They've now won 3 of their last 4 games against the Angels and 6 of their last 7 against Boston. If I'm either of those teams, particularly the Angels now, I'd be worried. 2009 is quickly becoming a season where demons are overcome, and new Yankee heroes are born, seemingly every day.
Current record: 97-56
AL East Lead: 6 games
Games remaining: 9
AL East magic number: 5
AL East magic number: 5
Magic number over the Angels: 4
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