Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just chillin (Yanks 9, Orioles 6)

Today's game was memorable for three reasons.
1. Burnett's funk continued into September. If he continues to pitch like this, he should be demoted to the 4 starter in the playoffs.

2. With two home runs, a walk, 3 RBIs and 2 mental lapses, Posada led the Yankees to a come-from behind victory. Just imagine what this guy will be accomplishing in October, when he's actually concentrating! (Cano blew a bubble during his trot around the bases, pictured above. I won't call it a lapse, but it's definitely an indication of the Yankees' approach to these games...relaxed, and just chillin out.)

3. The real heroes of the game were A-Rod, who drove in the tying run in the 7th, and Swisher, who put the game away with a two-run jack. Yankee fans, you can think back to games like this next time you hear someone say that A-Rod doesn't get it done in big spots. Of course, I'm only talking about the regular season...the playoffs are a whole other ballgame, aren't they, Mr. Rod?

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