Monday, October 19, 2009

A-Rod's Resurrection

A-Rod is having one of the greatest postseasons in MLB history. It seems that he has at least 4 more games to play in this postseason. But up to now, he has literally been solely responsible for 2 wins, single-handedly saving the team on three separate occasions in the most dramatic way possible, something that seemed unimaginable only a few weeks ago.

We won't really know if A-Rod has officially earned his pinstripes until the last pitch is thrown this October (or November). But up to now he has been the A-Bomb that everyone had always known he could be.

Why now? I think it's all mental. I think that A-Rod suddenly doesn't have the same pressure on him that he used to. He's already come clean about steroids, and the fans haven't rejected him. He has had career-threatening surgery and has returned. These kinds of things change people. And I believe they have changed the way A-Rod approaches the game, his career, and even the way he views himself, all for the better.

Here's an article from the Times about A-Rod's redemption. (Although mine covers the subject just fine, thank you very much!)

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